New York transit workers strike
(too old to reply)
2005-12-22 02:09:47 UTC
So I guess the subways and buses are shut down because of this.
In a city as big as NY, this has got to be a bitch for people who use public
transit regularly. I seldom use any form of public transit anyway so if DART
went on strike, I'd probably have the same kind of "so what" reaction as I
did when the National Hockey League went on strike for a year. Of course, if
I depended on public transit, this would suck.
Down here we have HOV lanes on most of our freeways. HOV stands for High
Occupancy Vehicle (anyone with 2 or more people can use these lanes which
are generally less conjested). The cops *do* enforce this too. If you get
caught using that lane while driving alone, it's a 180.00 ticket. No
excuses. What pisses me off is that motorcycles can use the lane regardless
of the number of riders.
How stupid is that.
2005-12-22 13:30:09 UTC
Post by topjimmy
So I guess the subways and buses are shut down because of this.
In a city as big as NY, this has got to be a bitch for people who use public
transit regularly. I seldom use any form of public transit anyway so if DART
went on strike, I'd probably have the same kind of "so what" reaction as I
did when the National Hockey League went on strike for a year. Of course, if
I depended on public transit, this would suck.
It's extremely difficult for anyone who has to travel into or around
Manhattan and it's big incovenvience for anyone who has to travel in or
around in of the outer boroughs as well. Driving is nearly impossible.
It too me 2 and 1/2 hours to drive 5 miles in Manhattan last night.
Essentially, it has crippled the city and totally screwed up Christmas.
How the TWU sleeps at night, I do not know. Hopefully their leaders
are sleeping in jail from now on.

I'm still pretty young - mid 30's - so I haven't been around the block
as many times as many of you have, but in my life I've never seen the
level of selfishness and stubborn and foolish pride that is being shown
by the TWU over the last few days. Thankfully, their union is now
bankrupted and the individual members are being fined 2 days pay for
every one day of work missed (that's 6 days at this point) which I'm
sure does hurt them, but it's only a drop in the bucket compared to the
needless damage that their doing to this cities retail labor-force and
truck drivers and car service drivers. They're screwing over working
peole to make some stupid point. And all of this is being done the
week before Christmas. How they sleep at night, I do not know.

I don't know a single person who supports their stupid cause.
Post by topjimmy
Down here we have HOV lanes on most of our freeways. HOV stands for High
Occupancy Vehicle (anyone with 2 or more people can use these lanes which
are generally less conjested). The cops *do* enforce this too. If you get
caught using that lane while driving alone, it's a 180.00 ticket. No
excuses. What pisses me off is that motorcycles can use the lane regardless
of the number of riders.
How stupid is that.
How stupid is driving in the HOV lane when you're the only person in
the car? Pretty stupid.
2005-12-23 02:41:30 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by topjimmy
So I guess the subways and buses are shut down because of this.
In a city as big as NY, this has got to be a bitch for people who use public
transit regularly. I seldom use any form of public transit anyway so if DART
went on strike, I'd probably have the same kind of "so what" reaction as I
did when the National Hockey League went on strike for a year. Of course, if
I depended on public transit, this would suck.
It's extremely difficult for anyone who has to travel into or around
Manhattan and it's big incovenvience for anyone who has to travel in or
around in of the outer boroughs as well. Driving is nearly impossible.
It too me 2 and 1/2 hours to drive 5 miles in Manhattan last night.
My God. That's insane.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Essentially, it has crippled the city and totally screwed up Christmas.
Funny how they seemed to time their pointless strike at this specific time..
Post by s***@yahoo.com
How the TWU sleeps at night, I do not know. Hopefully their leaders
are sleeping in jail from now on.
We can only hope. Personally, I dislike unions. I know what they're all
about and all of that (ie, they make sure workers get fair rights and wages
and whatever) but I consider them to be a few notches above organized crime.
I know that may sound nuts but I believe they are.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
I'm still pretty young - mid 30's - so I haven't been around the block
as many times as many of you have, but in my life I've never seen the
level of selfishness and stubborn and foolish pride that is being shown
by the TWU over the last few days. Thankfully, their union is now
bankrupted and the individual members are being fined 2 days pay for
every one day of work missed (that's 6 days at this point) which I'm
sure does hurt them, but it's only a drop in the bucket compared to the
needless damage that their doing to this cities retail labor-force and
truck drivers and car service drivers. They're screwing over working
peole to make some stupid point. And all of this is being done the
week before Christmas. How they sleep at night, I do not know.
They're assholes. They already make good money.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
I don't know a single person who supports their stupid cause.
Oh to hear them say it, they are getting all kinds of support. Yeah right.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by topjimmy
Down here we have HOV lanes on most of our freeways. HOV stands for High
Occupancy Vehicle (anyone with 2 or more people can use these lanes which
are generally less conjested). The cops *do* enforce this too. If you get
caught using that lane while driving alone, it's a 180.00 ticket. No
excuses. What pisses me off is that motorcycles can use the lane regardless
of the number of riders.
How stupid is that.
How stupid is driving in the HOV lane when you're the only person in
the car? Pretty stupid.
You'd be surprised how many idiots do this on a daily basis down here. It's
usually some asshole in an SUV talking on his car phone and weaving in and
out of the lane. These are the times that I wished I had a Patton tank, 20
million in the bank and no conscience.
2005-12-23 16:12:35 UTC
Post by topjimmy
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Essentially, it has crippled the city and totally screwed up Christmas.
Funny how they seemed to time their pointless strike at this specific time..
To be fair to the TWU, they didn't pick the time for contract
negotiations all by themselves. However, they did hold Christmas and
Hanukkah (for all you Texans, that's Christmas for Jewish People*)
hostage just to further their petty labor negotiations. It's an
affront to common decency. Jesus hates the TWU. I'm proud to say that
I work hard on a daily basis to make the concept of commuting obsolete.
Post by topjimmy
usually some asshole in an SUV talking on his car phone and weaving in and
out of the lane. These are the times that I wished I had a Patton tank, 20
million in the bank and no conscience.
I can help you get rid of that conscience thing. I had one of those
for awhile and it kept getting in the way of my lifestyle. Maybe
someone else up here can help you with the other 2 things that you

"I lost all my morals in 30 days. Ask me how!"

* I learned everything I know about Jewish culture from South Park.
2005-12-24 01:18:57 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by topjimmy
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Essentially, it has crippled the city and totally screwed up Christmas.
Funny how they seemed to time their pointless strike at this specific time..
To be fair to the TWU, they didn't pick the time for contract
negotiations all by themselves. However, they did hold Christmas and
Hanukkah (for all you Texans, that's Christmas for Jewish People*)
hostage just to further their petty labor negotiations.
They took advantage of the situation then. You just know that secretly
inside, they were kind of happy it hit when it did. It's as if they were
flexing their muscles a bit saying "look what we can do". I heard on the
news today that they went back to work with no contract worked out.

It's an
Post by s***@yahoo.com
affront to common decency. Jesus hates the TWU. I'm proud to say that
I work hard on a daily basis to make the concept of commuting obsolete.
Do you have to go far to get to work? Also, how much does it cost to get
around the city (via cab vs via the subway)?
I see pictures of New YOrk (during some news item on tv) and it always shows
tons of people walking around down sidewalks, etc as if 1000's walk to work
(or where ever).
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by topjimmy
usually some asshole in an SUV talking on his car phone and weaving in and
out of the lane. These are the times that I wished I had a Patton tank, 20
million in the bank and no conscience.
I can help you get rid of that conscience thing. I had one of those
for awhile and it kept getting in the way of my lifestyle.

Post by s***@yahoo.com
someone else up here can help you with the other 2 things that you
Maybe Trump could spare the 20 mil but I've no idea who could sell me the
Post by s***@yahoo.com
"I lost all my morals in 30 days. Ask me how!"
* I learned everything I know about Jewish culture from South Park.
Great show. I haven't watched it lately though. Believe it or not, I enjoy
watching Sponge Bob Square Pants with my son. Heh, the writers of that show
**HAVE** to have smoked pot at one time or another :-)
2005-12-27 18:10:29 UTC
Post by topjimmy
They took advantage of the situation then. You just know that secretly
inside, they were kind of happy it hit when it did. It's as if they were
flexing their muscles a bit saying "look what we can do". I heard on the
news today that they went back to work with no contract worked out.
Yes - that pretty much sums it up.
Post by topjimmy
It's an
Post by s***@yahoo.com
affront to common decency. Jesus hates the TWU. I'm proud to say that
I work hard on a daily basis to make the concept of commuting obsolete.
Do you have to go far to get to work? Also, how much does it cost to get
around the city (via cab vs via the subway)?
I see pictures of New YOrk (during some news item on tv) and it always shows
tons of people walking around down sidewalks, etc as if 1000's walk to work
(or where ever).
Subway - 2 bucks anywhere. A cab ride is (iirc) 2.50 to get in, but
even a short ride (with tip) would add up to 5 bucks. Anything shorter
than a 5 dollar cab ride would be considered walkable. It cost me at
least $30.00 to get from my home in Brooklyn to my office in Midtown
(about 12 miles)

The problem wasn't the expense. It would have been extremely difficult
to get a cab for any price during the strike and walking would have
probably been faster anyway. Bicycles worked, but it was so bitter
cold that I don't think most people would have the appropriate gear for
Post by topjimmy
Great show. I haven't watched it lately though. Believe it or not, I enjoy
watching Sponge Bob Square Pants with my son. Heh, the writers of that show
**HAVE** to have smoked pot at one time or another :-)
Shortly after waking and at 4:20 PM, I'd imagine.
