Fat slob from down under
(too old to reply)
2003-09-22 00:24:59 UTC
you are a big fat pig everything i hate no wonder you attack people without
even knowing them now that i know who you are and how fat you are i understand
thats all the world need is to see a fat cow playing his guitar.
2003-09-22 05:07:53 UTC
Post by Okitekudasai
you are a big fat pig everything i hate no wonder you attack people without
even knowing them now that i know who you are and how fat you are i understand
thats all the world need is to see a fat cow playing his guitar.
How very interesting! An anonymous weenie poster gets slammed and
Damon Jon Davis leaps as if stung by wasps.

"A book may be compared to the life of your neighbour.
If it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get
rid of it too early."
- H. Brooke. .
Beserker!! .
2003-09-22 06:00:22 UTC
Post by Ryno
Post by Okitekudasai
you are a big fat pig everything i hate no wonder you attack people without
even knowing them now that i know who you are and how fat you are i understand
thats all the world need is to see a fat cow playing his guitar.
How very interesting! An anonymous weenie poster gets slammed and
Damon Jon Davis leaps as if stung by wasps.
hey, is that the same fuckwit who was chasing for asian brides on the
internet by posting his photos, complete with blow job hairdos?
2003-09-22 08:50:44 UTC
Post by Okitekudasai
Post by Ryno
Post by Okitekudasai
you are a big fat pig everything i hate no wonder you attack people
Post by Ryno
Post by Okitekudasai
even knowing them now that i know who you are and how fat you are i
Post by Ryno
Post by Okitekudasai
thats all the world need is to see a fat cow playing his guitar.
How very interesting! An anonymous weenie poster gets slammed and
Damon Jon Davis leaps as if stung by wasps.
hey, is that the same fuckwit who was chasing for asian brides on the
internet by posting his photos, complete with blow job hairdos?
Reckon so. My sister had a little mascot like him, with a big arsehole
where you put the pencil.

- this is kinda like Damo, but his hair is black (though nobody is
certain if it's by nature or design).

As far as his "you attack people without even knowing them", that's
pretty rich.

First time I encountered him he was unloading a barrow of abuse on the
CEO of Rickenbacker guitars. Since that it's just been a matter of
"Damo changes names, Damo surfaces, Damo gets his butt kicked, Damo
hides for a while".

But the big question is, whether it is noble under Bushido to swat
him. Enquiring minds want to know.

"I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them."
- Isaac Asimov.. .
2003-09-22 18:49:06 UTC
I have just one question ...WHO IN THE HELL FUCKS YOU ?

probably no one.

goodbye lard ass
2003-09-22 20:24:27 UTC
Post by Okitekudasai
I have just one question ...WHO IN THE HELL FUCKS YOU ?
In my part of the world and sexula orientation, Damon, it is the MAN
who does the fucking.
Post by Okitekudasai
probably no one.
goodbye lard ass
Goodbye little troll mascot!

Please come again any time. I'm mean and a deserving case like yours
is rare indeed.

"Figure it out. Work a lifetime to pay off a house. You finally
own it and there's no one to live in it."
- Arthur Miller, "Death of a Salesman". .